Saturday, November 9, 2013

Happy Birthday To.......Me?

Good evening human.
So this post is,  shock horror, a tad overdue. Oh well. #YOLO right? (I completely understand if you never want to read another word I write ever again)
So October 28th was a very very special day. It was the anniversary of the birth of, lets face it, an unforgettable figure. A person who has touched the lives of many and whose importance can never be overstated. So if you're reading Mr. Gates. Happy Birthday!!
Oh, and I may have turned 21.

So this is it I officially have 1 year left before I'm 'past it'. Before it's time to be a real life grown up. This prospect terrifies me, however if the first few days of twenty-somethinghood is anything to go by it's going to be a year filled with funtimes.
The weekend consisted of family, eating fry ups (thankfully I have yet to develop an intolerance), family, tea, presents, family, tea, large dinner and family in that order. I ate so much I thought I would never stand up again. This premonition is thus far proving exceedingly accurate.
The following day consisted of yet more eating and the spending of an obscene amount of legal tender. Like...truly obscene. However out of it I gained an awesome new phone (It's nice to be able to plug out my phone and not have to sprint the length of the house so it can be plugged back in before it dies), clothes, make-up and a spectacular case of spenders guilt. This escapade was followed by a meal with some lovely people. The less said about this he better, though all I will mention is 1. We were in the particular establishment for 3 hours and 2. We were almost overcharged by €100. I bet you can guess what the next step in our evening was. Isn't it true that every 21 year old frequents the local public house for a few beverages before sauntering home? Well yes, unless they get sidetracked by the midnight screening of Thor 2 and end up seeing that instead. I fail at being an adult. (In other news, excellent film)

I also managed to come away with a decent haul which included:

  • A sword of Gryffindor letter opener
  • An array of awesome mugs (special nods to Anchorman and GOT)
  • Books
  • Stationery
  • Socks (of the fuzzy variety!)
  • Breaking Bad poster (Aaron Paul. Babe)
  • An alpaca related t-shirt
  • Doctor Who stamps (I squealed)
  • A way of minimising spenders guilt in the form of vouchers
All in all I had one awesome time and thoroughly appreciate everything everyone did for me. Here's to 365 days of remaining youth. In the meantime there are many essays I should be writing. Expect the next post to not exactly be full of the joys of life. I know you're looking forward to it!

- Claire

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